Daily Archives: February 20, 2013

“The past was dead, the future was unimaginable.”



The “Big Brother” reference occurs prominently in the book, The Hunger Games. The idea is that Panem is synonymously “Big Brother” can help us compare and contrast along with the book 1984. In reference to the plot of the novel, The Hunger Games, 1984 is significantly similar in the way that both worlds are controlled in means. The protagonist in the novel, Katniss Everdeen described how she felt trapped in her world, and how she wanted to win against the games of Panem. Winston on the other hand, significantly feels the same way living in the tyranny of the ruling Party, known to us as Ingsoc in the novel.

“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”

“I’m more than just a piece in their Games.”

Both of these protagonists feels the weight of the power of these totalitarian governments that they don’t know who they are as personal individuals anymore. The power of the control of the governments gives a great impact to the characters in the story, leaving them feeling lost in the world of their own. Progressively, both of them gets an internal spark in them, a strong passion to go above and go to forth pursuing their ultimate dream of essentially overthrowing totalitarianism. According to the plot of The Hunger Games, it is predicted that in 1984, rebellion will eventually and fundamentally occur, concurrently in conclusion of the novels.