1 is not the loneliest number


When my teacher introduced this video to me and I knew I wanted to post it on my blog.  So many people can find a way to connect to the message.  Being alone is not the end of the world because there are some things that only solitude can bring us.  For example, it is much easier to think things over in quiet than when a million voices are shoved down your ears.  Also, you can go anywhere without anyone holding you back. The world is yours for the taking, so get out and go. I have relatives who aren’t in a relationship and they do just fine.  I have never been in a long relationship, so when I’m alone I always think about how there are over six billion other people in the world.  I  believe at least one of those six billion people could become something more than a stranger to me.  I think the odds are in my favor.

Even if I am alone, I believe in myself and that’s all I really need. To anyone who feels like they live in a hopeless world of your own with no one to share your beliefs with, don’t feel too discouraged.  Your world is unique and something to be proud of because it can never be taken away.  Finally, before you can accept someone else you need to accept yourself.  You can only feel as miserable as you let yourself.  You have more control than you think.

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