Apocalypse: Questions and Answers


Year: 0 Day: 7 After Apocalypse

Without any discussion we all agreed to take her with us. At the beginning she was still a little hesitant to talk, but after some time she became closer with all of us. She told us she was from England and was here on vacation, something we all figured out because of her accent. But what we really wanted to know was, why did her mom tell her to hide? Why did she not want to take her daughter with her? After some talking, we asked her if she heard anything about where they took them and what they were planning on doing with them. Right after that she starter crying, screaming “they took my mum, they took my mum!” We decided to rest for the night at what used to be the RIU hotel, now just a half standing piece of rubble, but with a decent remaining lobby. the next morning she had calmed down and walked towards us, sat down and while wiping off her tears she told she spoke. She said that the brown robe people said that they would take the survivors to the tip where both waters meet. None of us knew where that was or what that meant. After another hour of resting, it came to me, the tip where both waters meet, Isla Blanca, the tip of Cancun, where the lagoon and the ocean meet. I told the rest about what I had figured out, letting them know it was just a hunch, but since it was the best we had we went there. Isla Blanca is passed my house, so on our way there we stopped to pick up some provisions that I left in my room in case I went back. Our destination being now only a thirty minute walk we were all nervous about what we would find. We got there and a huge electrified fence was up. And when we walked towards the door it opened by itself. We decided to keep Ana with Chelsea, one of the girls from our group who seamed to have bonded the best with her, to keep her safe. Right after they went back, we entered, knowing we might just be walking into a trap to get more survivors, but it is a risk that we all agreed to take, and one that I must take to save my family. I don’t know if walking in like moths to a flame is the most stupid thing we have ever done, but I feel we will find out soon.


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