Apocalypse: Into the Darkness


Year: 0 Day: 8 After Apocalypse

We kept walking forward for what seamed to be hours, until the path reached a dead-end. There was nothing, only jungle, and the only way to go now was back. We were all disappointed, turned around and started heading back. After some time walking back, we had to make a sharp right turn that none of us recalled making on the way here, but it was the only path. Right after turning the corner I noticed something, a small black sphere attached to a tree, so I pointed it out to the others. After that we found many, they were impossible not to see, cameras, they were observing us. When we all finally noticed, Jack, the oldest member of our group, fainted. Then Allyson, the second youngest, went down. Suddenly, I felt a pinch on my arm, all my limbs went numb and I fell, already on the floor, my vision started going black, but it stayed enough time for me to see the last member of our group going down. In my last seconds of sight my sight I saw them, the people in brown robes, I heard something right before all my senses stopped working, “take them to the cells”. Finally I fainted.


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