Daily Archives: April 5, 2013

Apocalypse: The Great Escape


Year: 0 Day: 11 After Apocalypse

It was time for the attack. About an hour before all the captives were notified about what was going to happen. They were instructed to help as they were asked, and as they were leaving the research facilities, they would be handed a knife with which they would have to make a cut through the mark on their hand and extract the tracker. We were only five minutes away and everything was going as planned. It was time, the brown robes entered with the food trays, carrying only water, bread, and some horrid goo. The hatches open, and just at that time we hear the first explosion, the brown robes ran out to see what is happening and not long after that the doors to the facilities opened and in came the resistance members holding a guard hostage. The guard opened the cells and we all ran out, they handed Jasmine a gun and she told them to give my group one as well. As we were escaping many brown robes tried to stop us, but they were outnumbered. Out of 500 captives 421 made it out, the others were either recaptured or killed. Luckily we made it out, and only the more experienced members of the resistance had to use their guns. Once outside, passed the fence we were handed knifes, now we had to cut the trackers out, and so we did. It was painful but necessary. They took us to trucks that they had waiting outside. Now we are on our way to their camp, and hopefully that means safety.