Daily Archives: April 18, 2013

“Iron Man 3” Shown in 4DX in Japan


4DX set to land in the US sometime this year

(article from crunchyroll.com)

April 18, 2013 4:56am

If you think you’re excited for Iron Man 3, get ready to envy the Japanese; they get to watch the movie with a level of special effects so big it’s in another dimension. That’s right, Tony Stark and company are hitting up Nagoya in a 4DX, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Iron Man

What’s 4DX? Fourth dimension effects attempt to add a sensory element to the movie going experience by utilizing strobe lights, odor effects, tilting seats wind and fog effects and, my personal favorite, equipment that falls from the ceiling, like bubbles.


How much does 4DX cost? Between $10 to $13 extra a ticket, depending on 2D or 3D screenings. This can bring movie prices in Japan up to $23 – $25 a ticket. Iron Man 3 is the first film shown in Japan in 4DX; the technique originated in Seoul (home of founding company CJ Group) and spread to a handful of other countries, including China, Russia and Mexico. Before you get too jealous, 4DX is also headed to the US sometime this year – just not in time for Marvel’s next masterpiece.

And here I thought movie theaters already had odor effects; I’m pretty sure it’s called the concession stand.

Start getting excited people! Save your money. You just know it’s gonna be expensive 🙂


VIDEO: Gak Takes on Schoolgirl Hadouken-ing Meme


“Kamehameha! It’s like a hadouken, but over 9000 times better =p.”

April 16, 2013 6:30am

By now, it seems like just about every mainstream site has taken the opportunity to post a slide of the Hadouken-ing meme, in which people photograph faux-super powered martial arts shots. The effects/stunt folks at Gak Attack have now decided to put their own Dragon Ball inspired stamp on the phenomenon.

I found this on crunchyroll.com and thought I should share it 😉