Apocalypse: The Briefing


Year: 0 Day: 12 After Apocalypse

Once in the camp, they took us to our quarters so we could rest for the night. they were small but had all the necessary things. Today morning they woke us up at dawn, and took us to the camp leader. He greeted us and asked us to sit, so we did. Soon after that, Jasmine walked in, and the camp leader started talking about how we helped her with her daughter, that without us who knows what would have happened to her. After he was done with that, Jasmine, the second in command, started to speak, she was telling us, now that we are part of the resistance, and how things work around camp. Rookies go through a series of briefings and tests for about a week, then they are placed in the area where they can help the most. There are four areas; medical, technological, development, and battle. Each one does what the name says. Medical helps the sick and wounded; technological, which also includes sciences, develops new devices and machinery to help out in the other areas; development helps to build new areas or sectors, and in case of attack or relocation it helps to rebuild, it also includes agriculture; and battle. They told us to go rest because briefings start tomorrow morning. So I spent some time getting to know the people and the area and now I’m on my way to my quarters to rest. We’ll see how all this goes tomorrow.

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