Daily Archives: April 28, 2013

Why do evil?


You already probably have heard of the unfortunate news that happened in Boston, Massachusetts a while back regarding the bombing during the marathon. When we see and hear things like this happening in the world, we can’t help but stop and wonder: Why do it? Why do something to intentionally hurt others? Well, just come to think of it, everyone has done at least one wrong misdoing in their life that they will eventually regret sometime in their life, when looking back. But what really gives people the motive to do such evil actions?

       If you have ever read Othello, you know how the antagonist, Iago, had his way of doing evil deeds to intentionally sabotage Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. If you have ever discussed the novel, you have probably discussed what were Iago’s reasons for being as evil as he was in the novel. People (in this case, fictional characters) like these will always have a reason to love doing these malicious, messed up evil things. Why? Do they have a choice? Is it jealously? Greed or power? It could even be the satisfaction and pleasure in watching others suffer. I would agree to say that in reality, there are certain people who are sadistic in the world, and nothing could really be done to change this “personality disorder” in the end.

       Take The Good Earth for example. Wang Lung was hit with a sense of evil. The thing is: Did he deserve it? Let’s look into it. When Wang Lung’s uncle approaches Wang Lung for money, he criticizes him and his family for being lazy and irresponsible. The uncle even considered himself as a “man of evil destiny”. From there on, he brings evil into Wang Lung’s family. When O-lan, his wife, gives birth to a daughter, Wang Lung becomes worries because this signifies bad luck and bad fortune since the baby is not a son. Wang Lung believes this as another omen of impending unhappiness that is soon to appear later on for him and his family. This chapter in the book is concluded by the “evil omen” of a flock of crows, symbolizing death/bad luck.


       So after all in generalization, good people don’t deserve evil things like these happening to them. Could good people do anything to stop evil in its tracks and obliterate it as a whole? That’s a question worth finding the answer to, left unanswered since the beginning of history’s time in the past, and now sadly in the present (and future, but who knows…?).

VIDEO: “Super Mario Crossover” Adds More Crazy Content in 3.0 Update


Next update adds levels from “Super Mario Bros. Special” and more

(from crunchyroll.com)

April 28, 2013

Remember Super Mario Crossover? The immensely entertaining update to Nintendo’s timeless classic adds a bunch of playable characters, and three years after its debut, it’s getting ready to update to 3.0. Yes, believe it or not, there are even more treats in store, and you can see what Exploding Rabbit has cooking below, from new difficulties to maps from the obscure Super Mario Bros. Special.

There is seriously some insane wizardry going on here. For a deeper explanation of what’s included, check out the team’s official page. 3.0 will be released in May or June.


Japanese Otaku Poll Decides Top 10 Verbally Abusive Voice Actresses


A total of 2562 votes from masochist otaku decides their favorite abusive voice actresses

April 28, 2013
(from crunchyroll.com)

Some, or maybe many otaku males in Japan pride themselves in their masochistic preferences and many popular verbally abusive female characters in anime keep them begging for more.Animeone polled which voice actress that they want to be verbally abused by the most and here is the top 10.

#1 Kugimiya Rie  213 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Aisaka Taiga, ToraDora

#2 Hayami Saori 203 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Aragaki Ayase, Oreimo

#3 Sawashiro Miyuki  187 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Maria, Arakawa Under The Bridge

#4  Hanazawa Kana  152 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Kuroneko, Oreimo

#5  Yuzuki Ryoka  148 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Tsumura Tokiko, Buso Renkin

#6  Ogura Yui  141 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, HENNEKO – The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat –

Also #6 Tomatsu Haruka  141 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Hitei Hime, Katanagatari

#8  Kitamura Eri  107 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Kamiki Izumo, Blue Exorcist

Also #8  Taketatsu Ayana  107 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Kousaka Kirino, Oreimo

#10  Hikasa Yoko  96 votes

Her verbal abuse can be sampled in:

Gabriella, Cuticle Detective Inaba

Although top 3 are very expected and they all deserve to be at where they are, Hayami climbing up to #2 with only 10 votes difference to the reigning queen, Rie Kugumiya is very notable. Was there anyone in the list you wouldn’t mind being called “Hentai!!!”?