Category Archives: Adventure

VIDEO: “Resident Evil: Revelations” Previews Tie-In with Rock Group Dragon Ash


Special music video trailer to debut in Japan next month


Joseph Luster

April 29, 2013 11:29am

Capcom is hyping up a collaboration with Dragon Ash, which has the rock group making a music video tie-in with Resident Evil: Revelations. The special video for their song “Trigger” will debut in May, featuring snippets of Revelations footage throughout, and you can see a preview of it all below.

Resident Evil: Revelations heads to PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U in North America on May 21. It’s due out in Japan a few days later on May 23.

VIDEO: “Super Mario Crossover” Adds More Crazy Content in 3.0 Update


Next update adds levels from “Super Mario Bros. Special” and more


April 28, 2013

Remember Super Mario Crossover? The immensely entertaining update to Nintendo’s timeless classic adds a bunch of playable characters, and three years after its debut, it’s getting ready to update to 3.0. Yes, believe it or not, there are even more treats in store, and you can see what Exploding Rabbit has cooking below, from new difficulties to maps from the obscure Super Mario Bros. Special.

There is seriously some insane wizardry going on here. For a deeper explanation of what’s included, check out the team’s official page. 3.0 will be released in May or June.


2nd Anniversary of “See the Silence” Day


I hope all the Whovians out there celebrated “See the Silence” Day. I sure did.  I walked around with marks all over my arms and a lot of people looked at me like I was crazy.  It was a pretty fun day. 🙂  If you didn’t know or forgot, save this date for next year.


Apocalypse: The Briefing


Year: 0 Day: 12 After Apocalypse

Once in the camp, they took us to our quarters so we could rest for the night. they were small but had all the necessary things. Today morning they woke us up at dawn, and took us to the camp leader. He greeted us and asked us to sit, so we did. Soon after that, Jasmine walked in, and the camp leader started talking about how we helped her with her daughter, that without us who knows what would have happened to her. After he was done with that, Jasmine, the second in command, started to speak, she was telling us, now that we are part of the resistance, and how things work around camp. Rookies go through a series of briefings and tests for about a week, then they are placed in the area where they can help the most. There are four areas; medical, technological, development, and battle. Each one does what the name says. Medical helps the sick and wounded; technological, which also includes sciences, develops new devices and machinery to help out in the other areas; development helps to build new areas or sectors, and in case of attack or relocation it helps to rebuild, it also includes agriculture; and battle. They told us to go rest because briefings start tomorrow morning. So I spent some time getting to know the people and the area and now I’m on my way to my quarters to rest. We’ll see how all this goes tomorrow.

VIDEO: New Trailer for “The Wolverine” Features Much Mayhem in Japan


Opens July 26th

April 23, 2013 5:55pm
I can’t say I was too wild about the first solo Wolverine film, but the sequel, set in modern day Japan and due in theaters this summer, is starting to look pretty dang good, especially with the NINJA ON MOTORCYCLES and CRAZY SPEEDING TRAIN battles featured in this new international trailer made especially for Japanese audiences.

The Wolverine opens at your local popcorn emporium on July 26. And while Japan may have gotten this trailer with bonus footage before we did, they’ll have to wait until September 16th to see Wolverine: SAMURAI (as they are calling it there). But wasn’t Tom Cruise supposed to be The Last Samurai…..?

Me: This movie combines two of my favorite things.  Marvel comics (<3 wolverine) and Japanese fight scenes. I am so excited for this movie! >_<

VIDEO: Official “Thor: The Dark World” Trailer Lands


New “Thor” hits theaters November 8th

April 23, 2013 8:59pm

Get ready to go back to Asgard, Marvel fans, because the official trailer for Thor: The Dark World is here. Here’s hoping you enjoy a good brotherly team-up; it appears that Thor’s best shot at saving the day lies with his trouble-maker of a brother.

Thor: The Dark World hits theaters November 8th. Along with the usual crew, it stars Doctor Who’s 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, as bad guy Malekith.

I’m totally fangirling right now! I know all you Doctor Who Fans are excited as much as I am. >_< Oh, I love Thor too of course. 😉


A Visual Guide to Real World Inspirations for “One Piece” Faces


See the famous faces featured in Eiichiro Oda’s manga (from

April 21, 2013 5:59pm
Even if he hadn’t stated as much, it would be unarguably evident that One Pieceauthor Eiichiro Oda draws inspiration from famous figures for many faces in his manga. In an outstanding new chart, a fan has drawn the connections.   While laudably well researched, generally accepted matches are mixed with some that offer room for debate. There is also some persistent fan talk not reflected (Boa Hancock being porn actress Sora Aoi, Jewelry Bonney being competitive eater Big Eater Sone).  
• God Enel – Eminem | • Steven Tyler – Jango | • Jim Carrey (Lloyd Christmas) – Mr.2 BonClay | • Jim Carrey (Ace Ventura) – Franky | • Freddie Mercury – Peeply Lulu • Joey Jordison – Basil Hawkins | • Michael Jackson – Hody Jones | • Lenny Kravitz – Mr.5 | • Twiggy – Miss Valentine | • Hugo Boss Model – Paulie • Al Capone – Capone Bege | • Valentino Rossi – Trafalgar Law | • Mick Foley – Spandam | • Louise Brook – Nico Robin | • Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace) – Shakky • Stevie Ray Vaughan – Postgas D. Ace | • Tim Curry (Dr. Frank N. Furter) – Emporio Ivankov | • Yusaku Matsuda – Aokiji/Kuzan | • Kunie Tanaka – Kizaru | • Bunta Sugawara – Akainu/Sakazuki • Danny DeVito (The Penguin) – Dr. Hogback | • Hulk Hogan – Whitebeard | • Daft Punk – Killer | • Jean Rochefort – Gun Fall | • Cruella de Vil – Inazuma • Harvey Keitels – Rob Lucci | • George Clooney – Iceburg | • Mikhail Gorbachev – The Gorosei ( Five Elder Stars) | • Mahatma Gandhi – The Gorosei ( Five Elder Stars) | • Michel Polnareff – Don Quixote Doflamingo

Apocalypse: The Great Escape


Year: 0 Day: 11 After Apocalypse

It was time for the attack. About an hour before all the captives were notified about what was going to happen. They were instructed to help as they were asked, and as they were leaving the research facilities, they would be handed a knife with which they would have to make a cut through the mark on their hand and extract the tracker. We were only five minutes away and everything was going as planned. It was time, the brown robes entered with the food trays, carrying only water, bread, and some horrid goo. The hatches open, and just at that time we hear the first explosion, the brown robes ran out to see what is happening and not long after that the doors to the facilities opened and in came the resistance members holding a guard hostage. The guard opened the cells and we all ran out, they handed Jasmine a gun and she told them to give my group one as well. As we were escaping many brown robes tried to stop us, but they were outnumbered. Out of 500 captives 421 made it out, the others were either recaptured or killed. Luckily we made it out, and only the more experienced members of the resistance had to use their guns. Once outside, passed the fence we were handed knifes, now we had to cut the trackers out, and so we did. It was painful but necessary. They took us to trucks that they had waiting outside. Now we are on our way to their camp, and hopefully that means safety.