Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki to Retire, “The Wind Rises” is His Final Feature


Studio President Koji Hoshino announces retirement of 72-year-old director

September 01, 2013 6:12am PDT (one day ago)

For years people have been speculating which film would be acclaimed anime director Hayao Miyazaki’s last, and now we have the answer. Koji Hoshino—President of Studio Ghibli, which was co-founded by Miyazaki—announced that the master is retiring.

Hoshino didn’t go too in depth on the announcement made at Italy’s Venice Film Festival, saying that Miyazaki is retiring from feature-length films and that The Wind Rises (Kaze Tachinu) is his last.

The 72-year-old director’s career has spanned over fifty years and includes many celebrated features, from The Castle of Cagliostro to Nausicaä of the Valley of the WindMy Neighbor TotoroPrincess MononokeSpirited Away, and beyond. Hopefully we’ll see something new from him outside of the world of feature film direction in the future.

The Wind Rises opened in Japanese theaters in July, and Disney is set to distribute the film in North America.

BBC To Reveal “Doctor Who’s” New Doctor Sunday


Televised announcement will be simulcast in the US and UK (from

August 02, 2013 1:03am PDT (56 minutes ago)

Broken up over Matt Smith’s impending departure from Doctor Who? Still mourning David Tennant’s Doctor? Who fans know that there is nothing quite so traumatic as a regenerating Doctor and the arrival of some new guy who thinks he can just replace the one we loved and lost. The stages of Doctor Who grief are complicated, and while most of us are still in stage one – denial – BBC is ready to move us along to the next phase, where we hate the new doctor but are also kind of excited about him. Secretly.


doctor who


How are they moving us along? By announcing the new Doctor, naturally. Sunday is D-Day for Whovians, both in England and the US, because the BBC is going to announce the new Doctor on a live show featuring past doctors, companions and some special guests. The show will run for half an hour at 7pm in the UK and 2pm Eastern Time in the US (on BBC America, naturally).


doctor who


There have been a lot of theories and speculation about who the new Who might be, but the most popular theory seems to be Peter Capaldi, recognizable from his roles in “The Fires of Pompeii” and Torchwood: Children of EarthWho fans know “The Fires of Pompeii” as the episode that first brought Karen Gillan to the Whoverse.


doctor who


Who do you want to see as the new Doctor?


GameStop Ending PlayStation 2 Trade-Ins in June (Updated)


Sony ended new US console sales in January

May 05, 2013

Much maligned retailer GameStop has confirmed via front counter placards posted at all locations that it will end PlayStation 2 trade-ins and future console sales on June 1st. Since being launched in 2000, the console was responsible for ushering in the DVD home video era as well as outselling the Dreamcast to the point that Sega was forced to end console and hardware development in both the US and Japan.

Gamestop PS2 Trade-In stop notice
Image via Reddit


GameStop is officially ending trade-ins after 13 years, which saw the company grow along with the console, as a large percentage of sales volume for the chain was built on the strength of the console’s massive library of titles, which included the Metal Gear series, Gran Turismo, Killzone, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and the equally massive library of RPGs from such publishers such as Square-Enix, Atlus, Namco Bandai and smaller publishers.


PS2 Versions


That GameStop is ending Playstation 2 trade-ins and sales shouldn’t come as a surprise, as the last new game to be released for the system in the US was released last year and new consoles were discontinued in January to prepare for the PlayStation 4 and to clear out the distribution channels of old inventory ahead of its release later this year. My fondest memories in gaming were aided by the PS2 so this change marks the end of an era for me.


Now I ask you, the reader what your fondest memories of gaming on the PS2 as a result of a trade-in at GameStop or even your best haul after gaming the system to get the most out of their trade-in specials? Better yet, anyone remember the Great Memory Card Shortage of 2002-03 that forced the chain to import memory cards from Japan?


Update: GameStop has issued the following statement on the ending of trade-ins and has confirmed that sales of available stock will continue.


“We can confirm that as of June 1st we will no longer be accepting the PS2 console or its related product for trades. We know that the 12 year old system is a popular one and for many gamers, GameStop is the only place to find a great selection of its games. We will still offer a wide selection of the PS2 hardware, accessories and games in many of our stores and online for several months, based on remaining stock from trades.

We are very excited about the upcoming PS4 and are making room in our stores for it and other new platforms expected this fall.”

Why do evil?


You already probably have heard of the unfortunate news that happened in Boston, Massachusetts a while back regarding the bombing during the marathon. When we see and hear things like this happening in the world, we can’t help but stop and wonder: Why do it? Why do something to intentionally hurt others? Well, just come to think of it, everyone has done at least one wrong misdoing in their life that they will eventually regret sometime in their life, when looking back. But what really gives people the motive to do such evil actions?

       If you have ever read Othello, you know how the antagonist, Iago, had his way of doing evil deeds to intentionally sabotage Othello and Desdemona’s relationship. If you have ever discussed the novel, you have probably discussed what were Iago’s reasons for being as evil as he was in the novel. People (in this case, fictional characters) like these will always have a reason to love doing these malicious, messed up evil things. Why? Do they have a choice? Is it jealously? Greed or power? It could even be the satisfaction and pleasure in watching others suffer. I would agree to say that in reality, there are certain people who are sadistic in the world, and nothing could really be done to change this “personality disorder” in the end.

       Take The Good Earth for example. Wang Lung was hit with a sense of evil. The thing is: Did he deserve it? Let’s look into it. When Wang Lung’s uncle approaches Wang Lung for money, he criticizes him and his family for being lazy and irresponsible. The uncle even considered himself as a “man of evil destiny”. From there on, he brings evil into Wang Lung’s family. When O-lan, his wife, gives birth to a daughter, Wang Lung becomes worries because this signifies bad luck and bad fortune since the baby is not a son. Wang Lung believes this as another omen of impending unhappiness that is soon to appear later on for him and his family. This chapter in the book is concluded by the “evil omen” of a flock of crows, symbolizing death/bad luck.


       So after all in generalization, good people don’t deserve evil things like these happening to them. Could good people do anything to stop evil in its tracks and obliterate it as a whole? That’s a question worth finding the answer to, left unanswered since the beginning of history’s time in the past, and now sadly in the present (and future, but who knows…?).

Attention all Gamers! Microsoft’s Next Xbox to Be Revealed on May 21


The curtain will lift on a new generation in Redmond, Washington


April 24, 2013 5:27pm

Are you ready for Microsoft to reveal the next Xbox console? Even if you’re not, you have a hair under a month to prep, because the company announced an event for May 21 that promises to lift the curtain on their next system.



“Xbox A New Generation Unveiled” is set to take place in Redmond, Washington at 10:00am., and GameTrailers will be live-streaming the whole thing. At last, debates over speculation will be put to rest! What are you hoping for in Microsoft’s Xbox 360 successor?


Apocalypse: The Briefing


Year: 0 Day: 12 After Apocalypse

Once in the camp, they took us to our quarters so we could rest for the night. they were small but had all the necessary things. Today morning they woke us up at dawn, and took us to the camp leader. He greeted us and asked us to sit, so we did. Soon after that, Jasmine walked in, and the camp leader started talking about how we helped her with her daughter, that without us who knows what would have happened to her. After he was done with that, Jasmine, the second in command, started to speak, she was telling us, now that we are part of the resistance, and how things work around camp. Rookies go through a series of briefings and tests for about a week, then they are placed in the area where they can help the most. There are four areas; medical, technological, development, and battle. Each one does what the name says. Medical helps the sick and wounded; technological, which also includes sciences, develops new devices and machinery to help out in the other areas; development helps to build new areas or sectors, and in case of attack or relocation it helps to rebuild, it also includes agriculture; and battle. They told us to go rest because briefings start tomorrow morning. So I spent some time getting to know the people and the area and now I’m on my way to my quarters to rest. We’ll see how all this goes tomorrow.

VIDEO: Gak Takes on Schoolgirl Hadouken-ing Meme


“Kamehameha! It’s like a hadouken, but over 9000 times better =p.”

April 16, 2013 6:30am

By now, it seems like just about every mainstream site has taken the opportunity to post a slide of the Hadouken-ing meme, in which people photograph faux-super powered martial arts shots. The effects/stunt folks at Gak Attack have now decided to put their own Dragon Ball inspired stamp on the phenomenon.

I found this on and thought I should share it 😉

1 is not the loneliest number


When my teacher introduced this video to me and I knew I wanted to post it on my blog.  So many people can find a way to connect to the message.  Being alone is not the end of the world because there are some things that only solitude can bring us.  For example, it is much easier to think things over in quiet than when a million voices are shoved down your ears.  Also, you can go anywhere without anyone holding you back. The world is yours for the taking, so get out and go. I have relatives who aren’t in a relationship and they do just fine.  I have never been in a long relationship, so when I’m alone I always think about how there are over six billion other people in the world.  I  believe at least one of those six billion people could become something more than a stranger to me.  I think the odds are in my favor.

Even if I am alone, I believe in myself and that’s all I really need. To anyone who feels like they live in a hopeless world of your own with no one to share your beliefs with, don’t feel too discouraged.  Your world is unique and something to be proud of because it can never be taken away.  Finally, before you can accept someone else you need to accept yourself.  You can only feel as miserable as you let yourself.  You have more control than you think.