Tag Archives: acton

VIDEO: New Trailer for “The Wolverine” Features Much Mayhem in Japan


Opens July 26th

(from crunchyroll.com)
April 23, 2013 5:55pm
I can’t say I was too wild about the first solo Wolverine film, but the sequel, set in modern day Japan and due in theaters this summer, is starting to look pretty dang good, especially with the NINJA ON MOTORCYCLES and CRAZY SPEEDING TRAIN battles featured in this new international trailer made especially for Japanese audiences.

The Wolverine opens at your local popcorn emporium on July 26. And while Japan may have gotten this trailer with bonus footage before we did, they’ll have to wait until September 16th to see Wolverine: SAMURAI (as they are calling it there). But wasn’t Tom Cruise supposed to be The Last Samurai…..?

Me: This movie combines two of my favorite things.  Marvel comics (<3 wolverine) and Japanese fight scenes. I am so excited for this movie! >_<