Tag Archives: news

Attention all Gamers! Microsoft’s Next Xbox to Be Revealed on May 21


The curtain will lift on a new generation in Redmond, Washington

(from Crunchyroll.com)

April 24, 2013 5:27pm

Are you ready for Microsoft to reveal the next Xbox console? Even if you’re not, you have a hair under a month to prep, because the company announced an event for May 21 that promises to lift the curtain on their next system.



“Xbox A New Generation Unveiled” is set to take place in Redmond, Washington at 10:00am., and GameTrailers will be live-streaming the whole thing. At last, debates over speculation will be put to rest! What are you hoping for in Microsoft’s Xbox 360 successor?


VIDEO: Gak Takes on Schoolgirl Hadouken-ing Meme


“Kamehameha! It’s like a hadouken, but over 9000 times better =p.”

April 16, 2013 6:30am

By now, it seems like just about every mainstream site has taken the opportunity to post a slide of the Hadouken-ing meme, in which people photograph faux-super powered martial arts shots. The effects/stunt folks at Gak Attack have now decided to put their own Dragon Ball inspired stamp on the phenomenon.

I found this on crunchyroll.com and thought I should share it 😉