Tag Archives: nintendo

VIDEO: “Resident Evil: Revelations” Shares Its Wii U-Specific Features


Nintendo’s console gets some extra use on May 21

May 07, 2013
(from crunchyroll.com)

Here’s a good reason to fire up that Wii U. As you may know, the version of Resident Evil: Revelations on Nintendo’s console sports some special features, from using the GamePad to interact with the environment to giving enemies special voices via Miiverse messages. Now Capcom has a trailer to show the various additions that make it unique.

Resident Evil: Revelations—which was originally released for Nintendo 3DS—makes the leap to PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U in North America on May 21. It hits Europe a few days later on May 24.

VIDEO: “Super Mario Crossover” Adds More Crazy Content in 3.0 Update


Next update adds levels from “Super Mario Bros. Special” and more

(from crunchyroll.com)

April 28, 2013

Remember Super Mario Crossover? The immensely entertaining update to Nintendo’s timeless classic adds a bunch of playable characters, and three years after its debut, it’s getting ready to update to 3.0. Yes, believe it or not, there are even more treats in store, and you can see what Exploding Rabbit has cooking below, from new difficulties to maps from the obscure Super Mario Bros. Special.

There is seriously some insane wizardry going on here. For a deeper explanation of what’s included, check out the team’s official page. 3.0 will be released in May or June.