Tag Archives: story

Apocalypse: The Great Escape


Year: 0 Day: 11 After Apocalypse

It was time for the attack. About an hour before all the captives were notified about what was going to happen. They were instructed to help as they were asked, and as they were leaving the research facilities, they would be handed a knife with which they would have to make a cut through the mark on their hand and extract the tracker. We were only five minutes away and everything was going as planned. It was time, the brown robes entered with the food trays, carrying only water, bread, and some horrid goo. The hatches open, and just at that time we hear the first explosion, the brown robes ran out to see what is happening and not long after that the doors to the facilities opened and in came the resistance members holding a guard hostage. The guard opened the cells and we all ran out, they handed Jasmine a gun and she told them to give my group one as well. As we were escaping many brown robes tried to stop us, but they were outnumbered. Out of 500 captives 421 made it out, the others were either recaptured or killed. Luckily we made it out, and only the more experienced members of the resistance had to use their guns. Once outside, passed the fence we were handed knifes, now we had to cut the trackers out, and so we did. It was painful but necessary. They took us to trucks that they had waiting outside. Now we are on our way to their camp, and hopefully that means safety.

Apocalypse: Oncoming Storm


Year: 0 Day: 10 After Apocalypse

Yesterday Jasmine told us what happened. STORM is the name of the corporation, with their main headquarters in Mexico and the United States. They specialized in the production, and distribution of nuclear weapons and energy, and where the most advanced in all areas of science. It is run by five people who are in charge of different areas of the company. After the truth about the at the time oncoming disaster, they were granted access to the worlds secrets to se if they could sop it. After years of research, they did not find out how to stop it, but they did find how to survive it. They soon realized that by keeping that knowledge to themselves they would benefit more by sharing it. The heads of the company shared this information with their high-ranking employees, but many of them did not agree, many thought that the information should be shared most people could be saved. These people started meeting secretly to find out a way to make the information public, but before that became possible, they were discovered. For the sake of the company, all of “the five” which is what the heads of the corporation called themselves, decided to kill everyone involved and keep that secret as well. Thankfully some of them escaped, and luckily Jasmine was one of those. After their escape there was not enough time to release the information, since the apocalypse was only five days away. Nonetheless they still gathered, now with no relation to the company, to plan a way to save as many people as they could now, and rescue survivors after the disaster occurred to create a resistance against STORM. The resistance was needed because what STORM was planning on doing next was even worse than what they had already done. They are planning on gathering all the survivors to experiment on them, they want to take away all of the “faulted genes” of the human race and create of new generation of “perfect beings” as they call it. Anyone who opposes is killed. They think that some if the survivors might already be fairly close to this without experimentation, so they are torturing them with various tests to study how their body reacts. Jasmine being an important part of the resistance was sent to Cancun to gather as many survivors as possible from the area and ask them to join the resistance, if they denied to, at least thew would be taken to a safe place away from “STORM” corporation. Today we discussed means of escape, and she said that our best option was at feeding time, where the brown robes opened small hatches to put our food trays through. That is when there is less security in the main entrance, and a few days ago, before she was put in the cell, she sent a signal to the resistance group to attack tomorrow at that time. They waited a few days so she could convince the captive survivors to join the resistance. It was all part of her plan, she was captured on purpose, and now she at least gained our group as part of the resistance. Now all we can do is wait, and hope it all goes according to plan. And before I forget, today would have been the last day of the year, so if for some reason you are still following the Gregorian calendar, happy new year.

Apocalypse: Captive


Year: 0 Day: 9 After Apocalypse

When I finally woke up I had a massive headache. As I was coming to my senses, Jack and Allyson, that were awake already helped me get up, but Sophie, the last one to faint, was still down. I started looking around and noticed I was in a cell, just like the brown robes said. Unlike other cells this one was clean and technological. There were no bars, but bullet proof glass with air holes, and we were located right next to another identical cell. The only difference between them was that on the wall of one there was a huge “A” written on the wall, and on the other one there was a “B”, I was in cell “A”. It was not only our group in there, but many other survivors, everyone was quiet, scared, and rightfully so. After about five minutes I saw Chelsea standing on the far wall, I ran towards the dividing wall and screamed her name so she could hear me. She finally heard me and walked towards me bringing Ana, I asked her what happened and she said that after about two hours of being in the house, someone gassed them, they both fainted and woke up here. As she was saying this, a lady from my cell ran towards us screaming Ana’s name. Ana saw her and screamed “mum, mum!”. Finally someone who hopefully knows something about what is going on. She was talking to Ana and she told her that we took her in and took care of her, but then the same brown robes that took her took us. She thanked us, her name is Jasmine. We asked her if she knew what was happening, but she said that the brown robes were listening. She knew where the microphones were so she took us to the opposite end and started telling us what is going on. She told me too look at the mark that we all had on our hands, I had not even noticed that, she said those were trackers in case any of us tried to escape. As she continued with the story, I was perplexed, I could not believe that human beings could do such a thing. Now I was sure I wanted to end this, not just help my family or friends, but bring down the corporation that is destroying everyone’s life.

Apocalypse: Into the Darkness


Year: 0 Day: 8 After Apocalypse

We kept walking forward for what seamed to be hours, until the path reached a dead-end. There was nothing, only jungle, and the only way to go now was back. We were all disappointed, turned around and started heading back. After some time walking back, we had to make a sharp right turn that none of us recalled making on the way here, but it was the only path. Right after turning the corner I noticed something, a small black sphere attached to a tree, so I pointed it out to the others. After that we found many, they were impossible not to see, cameras, they were observing us. When we all finally noticed, Jack, the oldest member of our group, fainted. Then Allyson, the second youngest, went down. Suddenly, I felt a pinch on my arm, all my limbs went numb and I fell, already on the floor, my vision started going black, but it stayed enough time for me to see the last member of our group going down. In my last seconds of sight my sight I saw them, the people in brown robes, I heard something right before all my senses stopped working, “take them to the cells”. Finally I fainted.


Apocalypse: Questions and Answers


Year: 0 Day: 7 After Apocalypse

Without any discussion we all agreed to take her with us. At the beginning she was still a little hesitant to talk, but after some time she became closer with all of us. She told us she was from England and was here on vacation, something we all figured out because of her accent. But what we really wanted to know was, why did her mom tell her to hide? Why did she not want to take her daughter with her? After some talking, we asked her if she heard anything about where they took them and what they were planning on doing with them. Right after that she starter crying, screaming “they took my mum, they took my mum!” We decided to rest for the night at what used to be the RIU hotel, now just a half standing piece of rubble, but with a decent remaining lobby. the next morning she had calmed down and walked towards us, sat down and while wiping off her tears she told she spoke. She said that the brown robe people said that they would take the survivors to the tip where both waters meet. None of us knew where that was or what that meant. After another hour of resting, it came to me, the tip where both waters meet, Isla Blanca, the tip of Cancun, where the lagoon and the ocean meet. I told the rest about what I had figured out, letting them know it was just a hunch, but since it was the best we had we went there. Isla Blanca is passed my house, so on our way there we stopped to pick up some provisions that I left in my room in case I went back. Our destination being now only a thirty minute walk we were all nervous about what we would find. We got there and a huge electrified fence was up. And when we walked towards the door it opened by itself. We decided to keep Ana with Chelsea, one of the girls from our group who seamed to have bonded the best with her, to keep her safe. Right after they went back, we entered, knowing we might just be walking into a trap to get more survivors, but it is a risk that we all agreed to take, and one that I must take to save my family. I don’t know if walking in like moths to a flame is the most stupid thing we have ever done, but I feel we will find out soon.


Apocalypse: A New Threat


Year: 0 Day: 6 After Apocalypse

Snapping out of it, I started walking through all the bodies, being careful not to step on them. Until after making a corner, I saw it: long, blond, curly hair, my sisters hair. I ran towards her, forgetting about being careful about the other bodies, garbed her shoulder and turn her around to see her face. It wasn’t her, and even though I felt bad for her and her family, a huge wave of relief came over me. As far as I knew my sister was still alive, and so was the rest of my family. We kept searching for more survivors, but found none. Just as we were leaving, a huge crashing sound came from behind us, a book shelf that a second ago was standing, was now on the floor. From the beginning it looked as if it were to fall, but just in case we went to check. In the dark, cuddled up in the corner, a little girl, no more than 7 years old. We sat down with her and after a while se warmed up to us, her name was Ana, we asked her what was she still doing there. She told us that her mother told her to hide when the brown robe people came to take all the survivors, and the ones that did not want to go were killed. Why would they take them? Why kill the others? What do they want?


Apocalypse: Departed


Year: 0 Day: 5 After Apocalypse

Last night was the first night I felt safe. I wasn’t alone this time, non of us were. I finally had a group to survive this with, five people counting me, and a dog, or so I thought. I asked them to help me in my search, two of them were willing, and two did not think it was the best idea. As I was leaving, one of them came running towards me and told me they would help, but they needed an hour or so to get ready. After the hour went by, we set foot, heading towards the hotel zone. We went from hotel to hotel, house to house and building to building, but nothing, no signs of any kind of survivor, much less of my family. This went on and on for a while, until we arrived at “plaza la isla” another well-known shopping mall in C. On the floor I found a partly burned poster that said “refuge 23” which meant that many people went there to try to survive the catastrophe. Sadly it was there that for the first time I saw what I was dreading to see, for the first time I found bodies, not one or two, but many.

snow white

Apocalypse: Hope on the Day of Mircacles


Year: 0 Day: 4 After apocalypse

Today is Christmas, or it would be if it weren’t for the small problem of the apocalypse that happened four days ago. Instead of spending the day with my family I spent the day looking for them. After finding the note yesterday, I slept for a while to recover my strength. I woke up at dawn, and prepared for the expedition in search for my family, and if possible, other survivors. I left my house before 8 am and started my search throughout the city. After walking for an hour I started noticing something: animals, many of them. Apparently they had way better survival skills than humans. I stopped at “malecon/plaza las americas” which once was a thriving mall where a lot of the city’s people went. Now it was empty. I decided to search there because it was in really good shape, given the situation. As I entered cinepolis, the shopping malls cinema, a dog stood up and stared at me. I tried to calm him down, but he kept walking towards me, not hesitating whatsoever. When he was 2 feet away from me I was prepared to fight, but he relaxed, rolled over and barked happily. After that I could not keep him away from me. I called him cloud because of a cloud shaped spot on his back. Since Cloud was the only thing I found in the mall, we left to keep searching for my family. Right before sundown, I noticed a small column of smoke coming from the ruins of the “plaza de toros” which is where the bull fights took place. we headed towards there. Once inside we proceeded with caution, only to find a small group of survivors. They welcomed us with open arms and shared their food and shelter with us. I guess in a way I did celebrate Christmas, with old canned food and a group of strangers, but as sad as it sounds, it was great. Remember, if you are out there, don’t lose hope, and if you are reading this, merry Christmas.