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VIDEO: “Resident Evil: Revelations” Shares Its Wii U-Specific Features


Nintendo’s console gets some extra use on May 21

May 07, 2013

Here’s a good reason to fire up that Wii U. As you may know, the version of Resident Evil: Revelations on Nintendo’s console sports some special features, from using the GamePad to interact with the environment to giving enemies special voices via Miiverse messages. Now Capcom has a trailer to show the various additions that make it unique.

Resident Evil: Revelations—which was originally released for Nintendo 3DS—makes the leap to PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U in North America on May 21. It hits Europe a few days later on May 24.

VIDEO: “Resident Evil: Revelations” Previews Tie-In with Rock Group Dragon Ash


Special music video trailer to debut in Japan next month


Joseph Luster

April 29, 2013 11:29am

Capcom is hyping up a collaboration with Dragon Ash, which has the rock group making a music video tie-in with Resident Evil: Revelations. The special video for their song “Trigger” will debut in May, featuring snippets of Revelations footage throughout, and you can see a preview of it all below.

Resident Evil: Revelations heads to PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U in North America on May 21. It’s due out in Japan a few days later on May 23.

VIDEO: New Trailer for “The Wolverine” Features Much Mayhem in Japan


Opens July 26th

April 23, 2013 5:55pm
I can’t say I was too wild about the first solo Wolverine film, but the sequel, set in modern day Japan and due in theaters this summer, is starting to look pretty dang good, especially with the NINJA ON MOTORCYCLES and CRAZY SPEEDING TRAIN battles featured in this new international trailer made especially for Japanese audiences.

The Wolverine opens at your local popcorn emporium on July 26. And while Japan may have gotten this trailer with bonus footage before we did, they’ll have to wait until September 16th to see Wolverine: SAMURAI (as they are calling it there). But wasn’t Tom Cruise supposed to be The Last Samurai…..?

Me: This movie combines two of my favorite things.  Marvel comics (<3 wolverine) and Japanese fight scenes. I am so excited for this movie! >_<

VIDEO: Official “Thor: The Dark World” Trailer Lands


New “Thor” hits theaters November 8th

April 23, 2013 8:59pm

Get ready to go back to Asgard, Marvel fans, because the official trailer for Thor: The Dark World is here. Here’s hoping you enjoy a good brotherly team-up; it appears that Thor’s best shot at saving the day lies with his trouble-maker of a brother.

Thor: The Dark World hits theaters November 8th. Along with the usual crew, it stars Doctor Who’s 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, as bad guy Malekith.

I’m totally fangirling right now! I know all you Doctor Who Fans are excited as much as I am. >_< Oh, I love Thor too of course. 😉